News and Features
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Did you know?

Shree was the world's first cement company to get its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project, 'Optimal Utilisation of Clinker', registered with the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Shree Cement was the first Indian and the third Asian cement company to join the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland

Shree Cement was one of the three Indian companies and only cement company to be nominated as ‘New Sustainability Champion by the World Economic Forum in 2011

Shree Cement has pioneered the manufacturing of Synthetic Gypsum which is used as a sustainable alternative to mineral gypsum in the cement manufacturing process. The company holds a patent for this.

Shree Cement has one of the largest power generation capacity from Waste Heat Recovery in the global cement industry.

Shree Cement is the first Indian cement company to issue a Corporate Sustainability Report

Shree Cement holds a world record for the fastest commissioning of a 1.0 MTPA Clinker capacity in a record time of 367 days against an industry average of 630 days. We commissioned the next unit in 330 days.

Shree Cement was given a 5 Star Rating, by Whitehopleman, an International Benchmarking Firm of UK that reviews Cement Plants worldwide on numerous parameters. This was the 1st time ever to any cement company in the world.
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